Available services.


See some of my offerings below. Need something more? I can put together a bespoke package. Just contact me.

Community Strategy

If you don’t have a community strategy, then you don’t have a map to follow. What are your goals for community? Do you have a plan? A timeline? I can help you with gathering data and creating a comprehensive strategy that aligns with your business goals.


Hiring a Community Team

You’ve been tasked with spinning up a community, but you don’t have in-house expertise — and you’re not even sure what you’re looking for. I can help you outline what positions you need short- and long-term, as well as tell you what skillsets will work best for your needs. I can even be part of the interview process as needed.

Community Vision/Purpose

What’s your (community) purpose? What do you think your company can get from community? If you don’t know the answers to this question — whether you’re starting from scratch or revamping your program — I can help you work on a vision and purpose for your site.



We all need to refresh our skills or learn new things to keep our careers moving forward. I can do individualized or group training sessions for your immediate team, subject matter experts, and even create something that is applicable to your larger organization. Strategy, administration, moderation, marketing — all these topics and more. Just ask!


I’m available to speak at conferences, internal workshops, and more. Maybe your stakeholders need to hear from an outside expert. Or perhaps your company can benefit from a larger talk on what community is (and can do for them). Does your team need some inspiration? Let’s talk.


Digital Marketing

Communities need marketing. But so do other parts of your organization. Do you know how to best implement your digital marketing plan? Have you done a competitive analysis for your support options? How are you performing against your competitors when it comes to customer experience? Do you have a crisis management plan in place? Leverage my expertise and I’ll help you create a plan. I can execute on it or train your team to do it.